#Ourcampus walkout
Nov. 2016
On November 16, 2016, hundreds of Brown University students dressed in black protested through the campus greens and delivered a list of demands to University Hall. The event was part of many national college walkouts, and the organizers explained that the march was “a walkout against white supremacy, xenophobia, classism, transphobia, sexism and other systems of oppression that now have a platform in this nation.”
According to brown.edu, the protest, which occurred after the 2016 election, "focused in particular on a deep sense of insecurity many feel amid pledges from President-elect Donald Trump to call for millions of deportations and tight restrictions on new immigration." However, the march was about more that just the election results; it recognized the fear of attacks within marginalized communities. Students also "spoke, held signs and chanted in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, against the Dakota Access Pipeline, and in support of students with disabilities." At one point, a student told students, “My fellow students of color, no matter how helpless and unimportant the government decides to make you feel, you are loved and you matter.”